Dr Robyn Dynes

Farming Systems Scientist, AgResearch


Dr Robyn Dynes (FNZIAHS) is a farming systems scientist with AgResearch based at Lincoln. 

She is the Traverse Leader for farmer engagement.  Her science in farming systems includes emissions to air and water and the current and future challenges facing our farming systems.  Robyn leads the Whitiwhiti Ora; Land Use Suitability programme in the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge and formerly OLW’s Next Generation Systems programme.  

In addition, she contributes to projects across participatory research, farm systems and farm systems modelling and leads research with farmer and catchment groups across NZ

Robyn is an independent director for Board of Foundation for Arable Research, for Future Hurunui, seconded member of Northern South Island BLNZ Farmer Council and represents AgResearch and has governance roles across arable, S+B and dairy sectors.

Robyn spent her early years in Southland on a sheep and beef farm, followed by a Canterbury mixed cropping farm, she started her science career with CSIRO in Western Australia before returning to AgResearch.  Her passion is working with farmers to bring science to the questions that matter to farmers.