Ian Proudfoot

Global Head of Agribusiness, KPMG


Ian joined KPMG in the London office in 1992, moving to Auckland, New Zealand in 1996. Ian was admitted to partnership in 2004 and appointed as Global Head of Agribusiness for KPMG in 2013, leading a network of KPMG Professionals that now spans over 50 countries. 

He is a member of the Te Hono Movement, a group of primary sector senior executives focused on lifting the value of New Zealand’s primary production and has attended three bootcamps at Stanford University in Palo Alto with the group. Ian is considered to be one of the leading strategic thinkers on Agribusiness in New Zealand. He presents around the world on the future of food production, processing and consumption articulating a vision for a food system that delivers sufficient nutrition to the world in a sustainable manner through the utilisation of disruptive innovations and new business models. 

He is the lead author of the KPMG Agribusiness Agenda publications which have been published annually since 2010. He has recently sat on the Advisory Group working with MPI to develop the Food & Beverage Sector Industry Transformation Plan.